About enterprise
Research institute “Gidropribor” was established in Uralsk in 1972 as part of Special Design Bureau of the machine building plant named after K.Y. Voroshilov as a branch of Leningrad Central Research Institute “Gidropribor” to research, develop and produce underwater robotic systems used in rescue operations and specialized underwater technical operations. Since 1991 the Institute is part of "Kazakhstan Engineering" National Company.
For more than 40 years of research - production activities, the Institute has more than 100 R & D. Obtained 110 inventor’s certificates and patents. Institute created the arsenal of techniques to perform subsea engineering works - towed unmanned search submersibles; Self-seekers Sea mines annihilators, working underwater vehicles for inspection and maintenance of subsea oil, gas pipelines, as well as for exploring sunk objects.
Research institute "Gidropribor” has accumulated experience in design and construction of river boats, coastal navigation boats and unmanned underwater vehicles. There is a highly qualified technical staff, production and research base that allow the design and construction of high-speed service and crew boats with displacement up to 150 tons, mobile surface, underwater, ground and air robotic systems, mobile diving Systems, navigational equipment, oil and gas engineering production. The institute joins in a single technological cycle: research, design, prototyping, testing, mastering of manufactured products production, promoting their competitiveness.
There are necessary licenses and certificates to perform the work. Prospects of Research institute “Gidropribor” development related to the implementation of expand and update the production of small boats and robotic systems investment projects.
Research institute "Gidropribor” activity conduct in close cooperation with companies from Kazakhstan and other CIS and foreign countries of similar scientific and technical profile.
Research institute "Gidropribor” development aimed at transforming it into an engineering design and research center of "Kazakhstan Engineering" National Company, by moving to the latest technology to ensure high quality products manufacture meeting the requirements of the international standards in the fields of shipbuilding, underwater technology and mobile robotics.